Nutrition files

Risks of malnutrition

Risques de la dénutrition

Malnutrition : What are the risks for seniors ?

Frequence of malnutrition :
. 4% to 10% of independent seniors
. 15% to 38% of nursing home residents
. 30% to 70% of hospitalized patients

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Teeth and malnutrition

Impacts bucco dentaires

Oral and dental alterations increase the risk of protein-energy malnutrition

Several studies have demonstrated that elderly hospital inpatients and vulnerable communities have generally a low chewing capacity, significant needs for dentures and oral healthcare, and an insufficient access to oral health care

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Alzheimer's disease and nutrition

Nutrition et maladie d'alzheimer

Alzheimer patients frequently suffer from a poor oral status

Which increses the risk of malnutrition: swallowing problems, smell and taste alterations, edentulousness...
They like finger food and pecking at Protibis cookies

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